The ICNCDE Global Asset Derivatives Exchange has obtained a cryptocurrency exchange license and a cryptocurrency wallet license issued by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). The license provides cryptocurrency wallet service and approves the cryptocurrency and fiat currency exchange services. It means that ICNCDE will operate itself as a fully regulated cryptocurrency exchange and become one of the few exchanges to obtain such a license in Europe.
Estonia is a real digital great power and actively embraces blockchain technology. The country's E-Residency project is the world's first government-initiated blockchain project, which has greatly promoted the European blockchain development.
As a cryptocurrency friendly country, Estonia announced tightening of its license policy in 2019, as the EU strengthened regulatory review of AML and KYC procedures. As soon as the policy was announced, many exchanges were rejected. ICNCDE successfully obtained the license issued by FIU with its professional experience of compliant operation and complete anti-money laundering and fraud prevention measures. It further proves that ICNCDE has been operating under strict compliance and is dedicated to make continuous efforts to ensure the interests of platform users.
ICNCDE focuses on compliance operations. We have an excellent international professional team, efficient customer service and strong capital background. ICNCDE believes that regulation and compliance will help legitimize the cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency economy. Obtaining an Estonian license is a good start of compliance in the European market. The ICNCDE team will continue to offer compliant, secure and first-class service to users.
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